Some Fencing Terminology You Might Learn Before Choosing a New Residential Fence

Posted on: 11 September 2017

Before you choose a new residential fence for your property, you might want to learn a bit of fencing terminology. This will ensure you understand the various choices you have for different types of fences when it comes to its appearance and function. In turn, you'll end up with a fence you love and that works for your needs in particular. Note a few of those fence terms and phrases here.

Deer fence

If wildlife of any sort tend to make their way onto your property, you can get a solid panel fence, but this might make the yard seem closed in and may also interfere with your view. A deer fence is specifically designed to keep out wildlife, even those that can jump very high. It's taller than most fences so it keeps out deer, and will have a small mesh that won't allow smaller animals to push themselves through the fence. Be sure to ask about a deer fence if you need protection from wildlife on your property or farm.

Diamond count

A mesh fence is woven so that it creates a diamond pattern in its openings. The diamond count refers to how many such openings are along a span of fence. The higher the diamond count, the smaller the openings. A small diamond count provides more security, as those openings may be too small to provide a foothold for anyone who wants to climb your fence, but it also means less light and fresh air circulation. A lower diamond count means larger openings, which can be a more welcoming look for your fence, so carefully compare your options before deciding on a diamond count.

Pickets versus finials

Finials are pointed edges that are created for a metal bar fence; these edges can be decorative and very ornate, or they can be very sharp and work to deter someone from trying to climb the fence. Pickets are pointed edges created at the end of wood or vinyl slat fences; these are shaped like a triangle and aren't as pointed as finials. However, like finials, pickets can be simply decorative, so that they have a dull and smooth finish, but they can also be sanded to be very pointed and sharp. Those sharp edges can act as a deterrent against someone trying to climb the fence, while the pickets themselves offer a bit more visual interest to a panel fence, breaking up its long top edge and adding shape and contrast.
